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Environmental & Sustainability Policy

1 – Pearse Electrical Contracting Ltd being a small company recognises its environmental duties under the Environmental Protection act 1990, the Waste (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2012.and the Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment  Regulations 2019 (WEEE Regs)  The Director Responsible for Health, Safety and Environmental issues, Mick Pearse recognises that he has a responsibility to take an environmentally (and socially) responsible approach both to existing activities and to possible new developments.

2 – The Company, so far as is reasonably practicable, proposes to pay particular attention to:

a)  Minimise disturbance to the local and environment, and to the local communities and wildlife, by planning projects with client taking into consideration any potential impact and adapting work processes and materials used accordingly. Reflecting this any quotations

b) Follow the waste hierarchy as outlined in the Waste (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2012. The Company will follow the hierarchy outlined below:

  • Prevention
  • Preparing for re-use
  • Recycling
  • Recovery
  • Disposal

c) Minimise use of energy and raw materials and to adhere to the principles of sustainability. Such as not printing documents when they can be sent electronically, thus saving on paper. Reducing the amount of fuel usage by planning journeys carefully, encouraging vehicle sharing and ensuring workforce when driving follow steps to improve fuel efficiency

d) Consider the environment in the design of processes and products and the maintenance of equipment. Using sustainable environmentally friendly products for example LED lighting, and options such as automatic lighting which goes off when there is no motion in the room, replacing ordinary light bulbs with   energy-efficient ones.